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LitLovers - Pride And Prejudice And Zombies - Book and Movie Review

LitLovers - Pride And Prejudice And Zombies - Book and Movie Review

"It is a truth, universally acknowledged, that a zombie in possession of brains, must be in want of more brains." For this month's LitLovers selection, Hollister & O'Toole discuss Pride and Prejudice and Zombies - both the international best-seller* by Seth-Grahame Smith (Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter) and the film adaptation starring Lily James and Sam Riley as zombie-fighters Lizzie Bennet and Darcy. Hear which of us thinks it's nothing short of sacrilege; and which actually welcomes the inversion of the marriage plot (even if Mrs. Bennet herself would still rather see her daughters "with husbands than muskets"). *For those who worry about Jane Austen rolling in her grave, if it makes you feel any better, you could instead opt to read the book in Japanese, Chinese, Hungarian, Polish, Serbian or Croatian.

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